First week of lent

We Will Be Judged by the Love We Show to Others

In the 1st week of Lent, year C, the liturgy calls us to conversion in our relationships with others. In the first reading(Leviticus 19, 1-2. 11-18), the Lord gives His people instructions on how to live well in society, within our families, and in our workplaces. This is a call to be just, to refrain from lying or deceiving one another, and to establish good relationships not only with our loved ones but also with everyone around us. Above all, it is a call to have the fear of God. Respecting the laws of the Lord leads to eternal life—it is the path to true freedom. This is why we can sing with the psalmist(Ps: 19 (18) “The law of the Lord is perfect; it gives life.” Indeed, it gives life to those who welcome it and put it into practice. Moreover, we often notice the joy that fills us when we do good without expecting anything in return. Conversely, whenever we commit evil or wrongdoing, our conscience torments us. We feel insecure, guilty, and no longer free. In such moments, we become enslaved to our own fears. Fear, in turn, becomes a weapon that the devil uses to trap us and make us his slaves. It is based on these very principles that the Shepherd will separate the sheep on His right from the goats on His left. The question remains: where do you want to belong? The choice is determined now—makes your decision.

Jesus takes this message further in the Gospel(Matthew 25, 31-46) by urging us to help and reach out to one another whenever possible. He reminds us that every person is created in the image and likenessof Christ. Therefore, both good works and faith in God are essential in life. We are all, in some way, the poor, the hungry, the thirsty, the sick, the foreigners, and the prisoners, but at the same time, we are also all called to be givers and to practice charity. However, when we close ourselves off in selfishness, fear, or indifference, we experience a form of inner death. Our hearts become hardened and unable to recognize the beauty and needs of those around us. Living solely for ourselves isolates us and deprives us of the joy that comes from authentic relationships. On the other hand, openness to others, especially those in need, leads us to true life. Every act of love, no matter how small, is like a spark of light that illuminates not only the one who receives it but also the one who performs it.

In summary, Jesus invites us to be good citizens, living in the fear of God, which enables us to share what we have with those around us.



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